Deadline Extended: Submit BI2025 Speaker Abstract by Jan. 10
Dec 20, 2024
The National Institute of Building Sciences has extended the deadline to submit speaker abstracts for the annual Building Innovation conference.
Share your insights and expertise at the industry's only event bringing together members from across the built environment to explore challenges, possibilities, the latest tools, groundbreaking strategies, and more.They're seeking abstracts to cover the following topics:
- Functional recovery
- Sustainable design and construction practices
- Retrofitting for resilience
- Climate adaptation strategies for buildings and infrastructure
- Community resilience and engagement in urban planning
- Innovative materials
- Technologies for resilient design, construction, and planning
- Policy frameworks that support resilient development
- Adopting resilient projects and strategies; case studies
- Integration of green infrastructure and ecosystem services
- Risk assessment and management in the built environment
- Innovative investments and insurance in resilience
- Workforce